Download tutorial data, unzip and copy it into:


1. Adding Ground Overlay

  1. Open the “geotiff” (soil_loss.tif) to be overlayed with gimp and save it as “jpeg”

  2. If the “geotiff” not projected in WGS84, convert it with QGIS (Raster/Projection/Warp) in WGS84 in order to access coordinates of the boundaries of the raster file in WGS84 (required to position it in GoogleEarth)

  3. Add “Image Overlay” with GoogleEarth(Add/Image Overlay) and use boundaries identified with QGIS (Layer Properties/Metadata) using Placemark Properties/Location tab

  4. Create a new Folder with name “Erosion” in GoogleEarth and move the Image Overlay created into it.

  5. Save it as kml (erosion.kml)

2. Adding Legend

  1. Open legend_soil_loss.svg with Inkscape and modify it if required

  2. Export it in png (File/Export Bitmap) as “legend.png”

  3. Open “erosion.kml” with notepad++

  4. Paste between Folder tags the following tags:

  <name><font color="#999">Legend</font></name>
  <overlayXY x="0.01" y="0.99" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
  <screenXY x="0.01" y="0.99" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>

3. Using time series animation

  1. Create a new “Image Overlay” with “soil_loss-1.jpeg” with the same “Location parameters”

  2. Add time stamp in both “GroundOverlay” tags (with notepad++):

  <begin>2012-01-01</begin>     <!-- kml:dateTime -->
  <end>2012-12-31</end>         <!-- kml:dateTime -->


05 January 2001
